All Classes

An abstract IHeaderMatcher.Builder.
Abstract base implementation of AbstractReport.
An abstract class to simplify IHeaderMatcher creation.
Add a license header to a document.
A class that implements IHeaderMatcher as a collection of other IHeaderMatchers.
Abstract base class for monolithic documents.
Abstract base class for Mojos, which are running Rat.
Abstract base class for deriving implementations of RatReport.
An abstract IHeaderMatcher that does simple matching.
Value of addLicenseHeaders configuration option.
Constructs a All matcher.
A matcher that performs a logical AND across all the contained matchers.
Constructs an Any matcher.
Add an Apache License V2 license header to a document.
Walks various kinds of archives files
TODO: factor into MIME guesser and MIME->binary guesser
Constructs a builder that contains other builders.
The aggregator is used to create a numerical statistic of claims.
This class provides a numerical overview about the report.
Indicates that the document is a composite archive and cannot be read.
An exception thrown when there is an issue with the Configuration.
Describe the MIME content type of a resource.
A copyright builder.
Matches a typical Copyright header line only based on a regex pattern which allows for one (starting) year or year range, and a configurable copyright owner.
Creates default analysers.
A default implementation of Log that writes to System.out and System.err
A default Document Analyser that determines if the matched license is in the set of approved licenses.
A class that holds the list of licenses and approved licenses from one or more configuration files.
The Defaults builder.
Walks directories.
This class encapsulates the file/directory exclusion handling of RAT.
Document wrapping a file of undetermined composition.
An enumeration of the types of files that can contain the configuration information.
Accumulates all letters and numbers contained inside the header and compares it to the full text of a given license (after reducing it to letters and numbers as well).
Use new configuration options
Matches headers.
Used to specify additional license matchers.
Display help information on apache-rat-plugin.
Call mvn apache-rat:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Performs explicit checks against a line from the header of a file.
An IHeaderMatcher builder.
The state of the matcher.
The definition of a License.
A builder for ILicense instances.
The definition of the license family.
The definition of an ILicenseFamily builder.
An instance of the ILicenseFamily Builder.
Indicates that the requested document is not well formed.
Simple interface for creating basic XML documents.
Class to take a set of ILicenses and collection of approved license categories and extract Subsets.
An interface describing the methods of a LicenseReader.
Class to take a set of ILicenses and collection of approved license categories and extract Subsets.
An enum that defines the types of Licenses to extract.
Replacement for LineNumberReader.
The definition of logging for the core.
The log levels supported by logging.
A class to track the Matcher Builders as they are defined.
An interface that describes the methods of a Matcher reader.
A reference matching Matcher builder.
Data about the document under test..
A datum.
Discovers the mime type of content.
This filter accepts Files that are hidden, e.g. file name starts with .
A builder for the NotMatcher.
An IHeaderMatcher that reverses the result of an enclosed matcher.
Thrown by IXmlWriter implementations when the current state does not allow the requested operation.
A matcher that performs a logical OR across all the contained matchers.
Run Rat to perform a violation check.
Indicates exceptional condition during header analysis.
Interface that defines a RatReport.
Generates a report with Rat's output.
A builder for the regex matcher.
A basic Ant task that generates a report on all files specified by the nested resource collection(s).
The CLI based configuration object for report generation.
Type for the addLicenseHeaders attribute.
Type for the addLicenseHeaders attribute.
A configuration object is used by the front end to invoke the Reporter.
A wrapper around an output stream that does not close the output stream.
Class that executes the report as defined in a ReportConfiguration.
A sorted set that reports insertion collisions.
Helper to parse SCM ignore files to add entries as excludes during RAT runs.
Use new configuration options
A simple regular expression matching IHeaderMatcher
A simple text matching IHeaderMatcher implementation.
A build for SPDX matchers.
Defines a factory to produce matchers for an SPDX tag.
Builds text based matcher based on the complexity of the text to match.
A marker interface for builders that accept text plain text to match.
An ILicense implementation that represents an unknown license.
Indicates that the document was unsuitable for analysis.
Abstract walker.
A class that reads the XML configuration file format.
A factory to create reports from a writer and a configuration.
Lightweight IXmlWriter implementation.