To use the plugin, you've got two options: First of all, it can create a simple text file, called target/rat.txt
, with the plugin's output. This is done by invoking the apache-rat:check
You may also add a report to the generated site. This is your second option.
To create a text file with the report, you need to run the apache-rat:check
goal. Add a section like the following to your POM:
<build> <plugins> ... <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId> <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.17-SNAPSHOT</version> </plugin> ... </plugins> </build>
Once you have done that, the plugin can be run from the command line by simply typing
mvn apache-rat:check
An example for running the plugin automatically can be found here.
A section like the following must be added to your POM:
<reporting> <plugins> ... <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId> <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.17-SNAPSHOT</version> </plugin> ... </plugins> </reporting>
The report will be created automatically when you generate the site:
mvn site
The Rat Maven plugin has a number of options as is shown in the table below.
Maven Description Argument Type <editCopyright> The copyright message to use in the license headers. Usually in the String form of "Copyright 2008 Foo". Only valid with <editLicense> <editOverwrite> Forces any changes in files to be written directly to the source -- none -- files (i.e. new files are not created). Only valid with <editLicense> <editLicense> Add the default license header to any file with an unknown license -- none -- that is not in the exclusion list. By default new files will be created with the license header, to force the modification of existing files use the <editOverwrite> option. <config> File names for system configuration. File <configurationNoDefaults> Ignore default configuration. -- none -- <licensesApproved> The approved License IDs. These licenses will be added to the list LicenseID of approved licenses. <licensesApprovedFile> Name of file containing the approved License IDs. File <licenseFamiliesApproved> The approved License Family IDs. These licenses families will be FamilyID added to the list of approved licenses families. <licenseFamiliesApprovedFile> Name of file containing the approved family IDs. File <licensesDenied> The denied License IDs. These licenses will be removed from the LicenseID list of approved licenses. Once licenses are removed they can not be added back. <licensesDeniedFile> Name of file containing the denied license IDs. File <licenseFamiliesDenied> The denied License family IDs. These license families will be FamilyID removed from the list of approved licenses. <licenseFamiliesDeniedFile> Name of file containing the denied license IDs. File <counterMax> The acceptable maximum number for the specified counter. A value of CounterPattern '-1' specifies an unlimited number. <counterMin> The minimum number for the specified counter. CounterPattern <inputSource> A file containing file names to process. File names must use linux File directory separator ('/') or none at all. File names that do not start with '/' are relative to the directory where the argument is located. <inputExclude> Excludes files matching <Expression>. Expression <inputExcludeFile> Reads <Expression> entries from a file. Entries will be excluded File from processing. <inputExcludeStd> Excludes files defined in standard collections based on commonly StandardCollection occurring groups. <inputExcludeSize> Excludes files with sizes less than the given argument. Integer <inputInclude> Includes files matching <Expression>. Will override excluded files. Expression <inputIncludeFile> Reads <Expression> entries from a file. Entries will override File excluded files. <inputIncludeStd> Includes files defined in standard collections based on commonly StandardCollection occurring groups. Will override excluded files. <inputExcludeParsedScm> Parse SCM based exclusion files to exclude specified files and StandardCollection directories. <outputStyle> XSLT stylesheet to use when creating the report. Either an external StyleSheet xsl file may be specified or one of the internal named sheets. <outputLicenses> List the defined licenses. LicenseFilter <outputFamilies> List the defined license families. LicenseFilter -- not supported -- Sets the log level. LogLevel <dryRun> If set do not update the files but generate the reports. -- none -- <outputFile> Define the output file where to write a report to. File <outputArchive> Specifies the level of detail in ARCHIVE file reporting. ProcessingType <outputStandard> Specifies the level of detail in STANDARD file reporting. ProcessingType <helpLicenses> Print information about registered licenses. -- none -- -- not supported -- Print help for the RAT command line interface and exit. -- none --
The Rat maven plugin uses the standard argument types as shown below.
<CounterPattern> A pattern comprising one of the following prefixes followed by a colon and a count (e.g. UNAPPROVED:5). Prefixes are APPROVED: A count of approved licenses. Default range [0, unlimited] ARCHIVES: A count of archive files. Default range [0, unlimited] BINARIES: A count of binary files. Default range [0, unlimited] DOCUMENT_TYPES: A count of distinct document types. Default range [1, unlimited] IGNORED: A count of ignored files. Default range [0, unlimited] LICENSE_CATEGORIES: A count of distinct license categories. Default range [1, unlimited] LICENSE_NAMES: A count of distinct license names. Default range [1, unlimited] NOTICES: A count of notice files. Default range [0, unlimited] STANDARDS: A count of standard files. Default range [1, unlimited] UNAPPROVED: A count of unapproved licenses. Default range [0, 0] UNKNOWN: A count of unknown file types. Default range [0, unlimited]. <DirOrArchive> A directory or archive file to scan. <Expression> A file matching pattern usually of the form used in Ant build files and '.gitignore' files (see for examples). Regular expression patterns may be specified by surrounding the pattern with '%regex[' and ']'. For example '%regex[[A-Z].*]' would match files and directories that start with uppercase latin letters. <FamilyID> The ID for a license family. <File> A file name. <Integer> An integer value. <LicenseFilter> A defined filter for the licenses to include. Valid values: ALL, APPROVED, NONE. <LicenseID> The ID for a license. <LogLevel> The log level to use. Valid values DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF. <ProcessingType> Specifies how to process file types. Valid values are: NOTIFICATION: List file as present PRESENCE: List any licenses found ABSENCE: List licenses found and any unknown licences <StandardCollection> Defines standard expression patterns (see above). Valid values are: ALL: All of the Standard Excludes combined. ARCH: The files and directories created by an ARCH source code control based tool. BAZAAR: The files and directories created by a Bazaar source code control based tool. BITKEEPER: The files and directories created by a Bitkeeper source code control based tool. CVS: The files and directories created by a CVS source code control based tool. DARCS: The files and directories created by a DARCS source code control based tool. ECLIPSE: The files and directories created by an Eclipse IDE based tool. GIT: The files and directories created by GIT source code control to support GIT, also processes files listed in '.gitignore'. HIDDEN_DIR: The hidden directories. Directories with names that start with '.' HIDDEN_FILE: The hidden files. Directories with names that start with '.' IDEA: The files and directories created by an IDEA IDE based tool. MAC: The .DS_Store files on Mac computers. MAVEN: The files and directories created by Maven build system based project. MERCURIAL: The files and directories created by a Mercurial source code control based tool. MISC: The set of miscellaneous files generally left by editors and the like. MKS: The files and directories created by an MKS source code control based tool. RCS: The files and directories created by a RCS source code control based tool. SCCS: The files and directories created by a SCCS source code control based tool. SERENA_DIMENSIONS_10: The files and directories created by a Serena Dimensions V10 change control system based tool. STANDARD_PATTERNS: A standard collection of generally accepted patterns to ignore. STANDARD_SCMS: A standard collection of SCMs SUBVERSION: The files and directories created by a Subversion source code control based tool. SURROUND_SCM: The files and directories created by a Surround SCM source code control based tool. VSS: The files and directories created by a Visual Source Safe source code control based tool. <StyleSheet> Either an external xsl file or one of the internal named sheets. Internal sheets are: plain-rat: The default style. missing-headers: Produces a report of files that are missing headers. unapproved-licenses: Produces a report of the files with unapproved licenses. xml: Produces output in pretty-printed XML.