All Classes and Interfaces
A pluggable template.
An operation to be performed by Whisker.
Relates the responsible group or individual to one
or more resources.
Describes an option on the command line.
Immutable context for operations.
Builds configurations fluently.
Describes some of the contents of a software distribution.
High level description of licensing qualities.
Describes a directory.
Indicates that a duplicate of an existing element has been unexpectedly encountered.
Scans directories for resources, within a file system.
Generates licensing related materials such as LICENSE and NOTICE documents
for assembled applications.
Display help information on apache-whisker-maven-plugin.
mvn apache-whisker:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>
to display parameter details.Manages indentation level.
Indicates that the XML document breaks a semantic rule.
Builds a model from xml using JDOM.
Describes a software license.
Analyses licenses.
Collates licenses and organisations.
Indicates that generating an instance of a license
from the template (for the license family) has failed.
Command line interface for whisker.
Indicates that the element linked by ID is missing.
Adapts commons logging calls to Maven.
Verifies that no copyright notices are present.
Describes a group or individual with responsibility for
upstream distributions.
Products generated by velocity templates.
Factors out rendering logic from template.
A resource expected in a software distribution.
Enumerates modes of definitional error.
Indicates an issue with a resource definition.
Describes a resource in a software distribution.
Collates resources within directories, flattening the
Collects resource source details.
Names results which might be produced by Whisker.
Builds writers for results.
Streams, on demand, the contents of a resource located on the class path.
Streams, on demand, the contents of a file identified by a full file name,
including path.
Streams the contents of a file.
A resource capable of being opened as a stream.
Conveniently builds
implementations.Logs important messages to system err.
Indicates that an unexpected element occurred in the xml.
Uses Apache Velocity to implement
.Wraps velocity engine.
Visits element in the model.
High level application, configured as a bean.
Links resources expected within a directory in the distribution
to licensing meta-data.
Groups resources sharing a license and claimed copyright.
Writes results as files within a directory.
Factory builds writers that output to