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Writing a new File Processor

Required Knowledge

Knowledge of the following topics is recommended:

A FileProcessor is a module that locates files with a specific name in the directory tree and reads from them file patterns that are translated into Rat exclude expressions. These files are normally found in the file directory tree and their restrictions normally only applies to files at the same directory level as the processed file or below. This type of file is implemented by the org.apache.rat.config.exclusion.MatcherSet.Builder.

The DescendingFileProcessor takes a file name and one or more comment prefixes as in the constructor. The file name is normally a file that is generally hidden on Linux systems like “.gitignore” or “.hgignore”. The DescendingFileProcessor will scan the directories looking for files with the specified name. If one is found it is passed to the process(DocumentName) method which reads the document and returns a list of exclude expressions.

Classes that extend the DescendingFileProcessor have two main extension points: modifyEntry(DocumentName, String) and process(DocumentName).


The modifyEntry method accepts the source DocumentName and a non-comment string. It is expected to process the string and return an exclude expression or null if the line does not result in an exclude expression. The default implementation simply returns the string argument.

An example of modifyEntry is found in the BazaarIgnoreProcessor where lines that start with “RE:” are regular expressions and all other lines are standard exclude patterns. The BazaarIgnoreProcessor.modifyEntry method converts “RE:” prefixed strings into the standard exclude regular expression string.


In many cases the process method does not need to be modified. In general the process method:

  • Opens a File on the DocumentName
  • Reads each line in the file
  • Calls the modifyEntry on the line.
  • if the line is not null:
    • Uses the FileProcessor.localizePattern() to create a DocumentName for the pattern with the baseName specified as the name of the file being read.
    • Stores the new document name in the list of names being returned.
  • Repeats until all the lines in the input file have been read.

Classes that override the process method generally do so because they have some special cases. For example the GitFileProcessor has some specific rules about when to add wildcard paths and when the paths are literal So a special process is required.