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Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated items 42 @deprecated
Refactor Work 0 refactor
Review Work 0 review
Todo Work 0 todo, fixme

Each tag is detailed below:

Deprecated items

Number of occurrences found in the code: 42

org.apache.rat.anttasks.All Line
use configuration file. 27
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Any Line
use configuration file. 26
org.apache.rat.anttasks.BaseAntTask Line
--No comment-- 220
--No comment-- 240
--No comment-- 256
--No comment-- 279
--No comment-- 324
--No comment-- 362
--No comment-- 373
--No comment-- 391
--No comment-- 402
--No comment-- 420
--No comment-- 440
--No comment-- 458
--No comment-- 516
--No comment-- 626
--No comment-- 646
--No comment-- 693
--No comment-- 713
--No comment-- 742
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Copyright Line
use configuration file. 26
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Family Line
use configuration file. 25
org.apache.rat.anttasks.License Line
use configuration file. 30
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Not Line
use configuration file. 27
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Regex Line
use configuration file. 27
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report Line
use {@link #setOut(String)} 129
use {@link #setStylesheet(String)} 155
use {@link #setStylesheet(String)} 165
use {@link #setXml(boolean)}. Note reversal of boolean value 175
use {@link #setStylesheet(String)} or {@link #setXml(boolean)} 185
use licenses child element. 195
use noDefaultLicenses attribute 208
use addApprovedLicense child element. 218
use removeApprovedLicense child element 236
use removeApprovedLicense element 254
use copyright attribute 271
use addLicense and force attributes 281
Use {@link #addLicense} 302
No longer required, use stylesheet or xml attributes. 413
use listLicenses or listFamilies attributes. 443
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Spdx Line
use configuration file. 26
org.apache.rat.anttasks.Text Line
use configuration file. 26