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JIRA Report

Fix Version Key Component Summary Type Resolution Status
0.16.1 RAT-353 site Broken links on RAT's webpage - mailing-lists / prepare webpage for releasing 0.16.1 Bug Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-349 - NPE when addDefaultLicenses = false Bug Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-347 - line 1:0 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting {'!', COMMENT, NEWLINE, FILEEXPRESSION} Bug Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-344 - Rat report contains multiple output runs instead of only one Bug Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-343 license-meta-data, scan, site Custom licensenses not working in contrast to v0.15 Bug Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-325 Client - cli Performance degradation compared to 0.15 Bug Fixed Resolved
0.16.1 RAT-348 scan Update gitignore processor dependency Improvement Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-346 scan WARN in case user defined License family has the same name as existing one Improvement Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-342 - Use Maven wrapper in RAT build Improvement Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-339 - Dependency updates via dependabot performed for release 0.16.1 Improvement Fixed Closed
0.16.1 RAT-359 site Replace externally loaded fonts Mate SC and Overlock with locally hosted ones to comply with privacy regulations Task Fixed Closed
0.17 RAT-458 configuration --log-level option does not set log level from command line. Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-456 core engine Create integration test to verify that archive files are processed properly. Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-409 site Site generation does not work without package Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-408 core engine Exclusion fails on **/ Bug Fixed Closed
0.17 RAT-379 build Unable to open/import RAT in Eclipse due to "Path must include project or resource name: /" Bug Fixed Closed
0.17 RAT-372 core engine Process Archive Files Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-371 core engine Rat uses collections of URLs which are reported as a problem by spotbugs Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-367 build Older junit3 tests are not run during the build after migrating to junit5 Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17, 0.16.1 RAT-357 Client - cli Performance degradation comparing 0.16 to 0.15 - further analysis Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-354 - Integration tests fail with new Maven 4.0.0-alpha-12 Bug Fixed Closed
0.17 RAT-333 - --force option will change the file permissions Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-301 - Rat check file identification error,java files with Chinese characters are recognized as binary files Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-211 - Generated rat-output.xml must be well-formed, even if BinaryGuesser fails Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-190 - Javascript (.js) files not processed as text. Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-146 - Consider Maintaining List of Directories Excluded by Default Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-134 - RAT CLI uses different wildcard syntax for -e and -E; neither matches Ant/Maven wildcards Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-107 Client - maven useEclipseDefaultExcludes does not ignore sub-module's eclipse dotfiles. Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-81 core engine MalformedInputException thrown when RAT tries reading file Bug Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-467 - Add externalToolBuilders to default Eclipse ignores Improvement Fixed Closed
0.17 RAT-464 reports Add media type to output report Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-405 core engine Remove <sample> from xml output Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-377 Client - cli, core engine Create a Process Standard function like Process Archive Files Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-374 - Automatically output RAT CLI's help options during the build and add it to the project webpage Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-369 Client - ant, Client - cli, Client - maven, core engine Add SpotBugs and checkstyle to the pom files. Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-368 core engine Remove unused classes Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-366 core engine Switch to Reading preparing header text and processing in one call. Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-355 core engine optionally Export XML configuration file as part of run. Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-147 - binary guesser design improvement Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-77 - output missing headers inline from plugin Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-14 core engine [GOOGLE-12] Provide numeric results Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-150 mime-meta-data, scan RAT should use Apache Tika to simply guess ignored [application/X] file types and focus on the [text/Y] family as a sensible default New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-60 - Create Crawler Module New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-54 - MIME Detection Using Tika New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-22 mime-meta-data Create integration test to verify that binary files are processed properly. New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-471 build Migrate Build Scan publication to Task Fixed Closed
0.17 RAT-466 reports Add encoding to output report Task Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-402 - Fix checkstyle issues Task Fixed Resolved
0.17 RAT-391 build Add develocity Task Fixed Closed
0.16 RAT-328 core engine Output process can attempt to close output multiple times. Bug Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-326 site Fix javadoc errors Bug Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-315 build RAT build fails with most current Maven 4-alpha3 build Bug Fixed Closed
0.16 RAT-314 Client - maven .mvn folder default exclude is not respected recursively Bug Fixed Closed
0.16 RAT-176 - BinaryGuesser.isBinary(String name) ought to throw for null input Bug Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-321 core engine Allow configuration to define SimplePatternBasedLicense instances Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-320 Client - cli Add a command line option to output to a file. Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-317 - Maven plugin is too chatty Improvement Fixed Closed
0.16 RAT-311 - Dependency updates via dependabot performed for release 0.16 Improvement Fixed Closed
0.16 RAT-183 - BinaryGuesser - report binary file analysis as debug Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-112 reports Generated code should be labelled as such in reports Improvement Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-329 core engine Add markdown and yaml as a recognized extension for processing New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-322 Client - cli, Client - maven Add possibility to be able to scan objects in hidden directories New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-264 - Use SPDX license identifiers New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-251 - Add support for SPDX identifiers New Feature Fixed Closed
0.16 RAT-182 - BinaryGuesser - allow modification of binary file types New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-21 license-meta-data [MOJO-1090] Allow new license boiler-plate to be specified New Feature Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-338 - Update plugin dependency versions and remove pre-JDK-8 constructs in the source code Task Fixed Closed
0.16 RAT-316 core engine Add MANIFEST.MF to the default exclude list. Task Fixed Resolved
0.16 RAT-312 - Get rid of Travis during build as it does not work properly - use Github Actions instead Task Fixed Closed
0.15 RAT-309 - Upgrade Maven Reporting API to 3.1.1/Complete with Maven Reporting Impl 3.2.0 Bug Fixed Resolved
0.15 RAT-307 - Travis build failures Bug Fixed Closed
0.15 RAT-306 site Release Notes gives a 404 Bug Fixed Resolved
0.15 RAT-296 - Use Github Actions to avoid Travis build failures due to dockerhub access restrictions Bug Fixed Closed
0.15 RAT-310 - Fix deprecation warnings in tests Improvement Fixed Closed
0.15 RAT-305 - Dependency updates via dependabot performed for release 0.15 Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-298 - Source repo info seems very out of date Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-291 - Fix links to Travis CI Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-290 - Dependency updates via dependabot Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-283 - Unify Java 8 requirement or non-requirement Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-281 - Update commons-io to fix CVE-2021-29425 Moderate severity Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-275 - Update httpclient to fix CVE-2020-13956 once a new doxia-core release is available Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-273 - Build failures with >=JDK16 - analyze test behaviour or rewrite tests and update build matrix Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-268 Client - maven apache-rat-plugin incorrectly assumes poms module is always a directory Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-258 - Fix CVE-warning in commons-compress Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-257 Client - cli Improve help text of CLI usage Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-212 - pom.xml license failure when url is https Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-207 Client - maven Properly report thread safety to Maven Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-158 - SAXParser warnings / update parent pom to get rid of doxia dependency Bug Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-304 - Create a new Apache license version with https link Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-297 - Update to latest maven reporting API and replace deprecated usage of Sink class Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-289 - Add dependabot dependency check to all Creadur projects Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-287 site Migrate site build to new yaml-based operation Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-285 - Update to latest Ant to fix issues derived from commons-dependencies Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-277 - Update junit in all Creadur projects in order to fix CVE-2020-15250 (Low severity) Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-274 - Update to at least Ant 1.10.8/1.9.15 in order to fix CVE-2020-11979 / raise compiler level to JDK8 Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-270 - Output errors (and only errors) to console instead of only rat.txt Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-269 - Fix CVE-2020-1945: Apache Ant insecure temporary file vulnerability by updating to latest ANT Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-266 Client - maven Add .factorypath to Eclipse default excludes Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-260 - Travis build failures due to mix of JDKs in Travis build environments Improvement Fixed Closed
0.14 RAT-250 - Update to Ant 1.9.14 Improvement Fixed Closed