View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
4    * distributed with this work for additional information        *
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *
9    *                                                              *
10   *                 *
11   *                                                              *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *
13   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
15   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *
16   * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *
17   * under the License.                                           *
18   */
19  package org.apache.rat;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
29  import java.nio.file.Files;
30  import java.nio.file.Paths;
31  import java.util.Arrays;
32  import java.util.Comparator;
33  import java.util.List;
34  import java.util.Map;
35  import java.util.Optional;
36  import java.util.TreeMap;
37  import java.util.function.Consumer;
38  import java.util.function.Supplier;
39  import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
40  import;
42  import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
43  import org.apache.commons.cli.Converter;
44  import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser;
45  import org.apache.commons.cli.DeprecatedAttributes;
46  import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
47  import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
48  import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup;
49  import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
50  import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
51  import;
52  import;
53  import;
54  import;
55  import;
56  import;
57  import;
58  import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
59  import org.apache.commons.text.WordUtils;
60  import org.apache.rat.api.Document;
61  import org.apache.rat.config.AddLicenseHeaders;
62  import org.apache.rat.document.impl.FileDocument;
63  import org.apache.rat.license.LicenseSetFactory.LicenseFilter;
64  import;
65  import org.apache.rat.utils.DefaultLog;
66  import org.apache.rat.utils.Log;
67  import org.apache.rat.utils.Log.Level;
68  import org.apache.rat.walker.ArchiveWalker;
69  import org.apache.rat.walker.DirectoryWalker;
71  import static java.lang.String.format;
73  /**
74   * The CLI based configuration object for report generation.
75   */
76  public final class Report {
78      private static final int HELP_WIDTH = 120;
79      private static final int HELP_PADDING = 5;
81      /*
82      If there are changes to Options the example output should be regenerated and placed in
83      apache-rat/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm
84      Be careful of formatting as some editors get confused.
85       */
86      private static final String[] NOTES = {
87              "Rat highlights possible issues.",
88              "Rat reports require interpretation.",
89              "Rat often requires some tuning before it runs well against a project.",
90              "Rat relies on heuristics: it may miss issues"
91      };
93      private enum StyleSheets {
94          PLAIN("plain-rat", "The default style"),
95          MISSING_HEADERS("missing-headers", "Produces a report of files that are missing headers"),
96          UNAPPROVED_LICENSES("unapproved-licenses", "Produces a report of the files with unapproved licenses");
97          private final String arg;
98          private final String desc;
100         StyleSheets(final String arg, final String description) {
101             this.arg = arg;
102             this.desc = description;
103         }
105         public String arg() {
106             return arg;
107         }
109         public String desc() {
110             return desc;
111         }
112     }
114     private static final Map<String, Supplier<String>> ARGUMENT_TYPES;
116     static {
117         ARGUMENT_TYPES = new TreeMap<>();
118         ARGUMENT_TYPES.put("FileOrURI", () -> "A file name or URI");
119         ARGUMENT_TYPES.put("DirOrArchive", () -> "A directory or archive file to scan");
120         ARGUMENT_TYPES.put("Expression", () -> "A wildcard file matching pattern. example: *-test-*.txt");
121         ARGUMENT_TYPES.put("LicenseFilter", () -> format("A defined filter for the licenses to include.  Valid values: %s.",
122                 asString(LicenseFilter.values())));
123         ARGUMENT_TYPES.put("LogLevel", () -> format("The log level to use.  Valid values %s.", asString(Log.Level.values())));
124         ARGUMENT_TYPES.put("ProcessingType", () -> format("Specifies how to process file types.  Valid values are: %s",
126                         .map(v -> format("\t%s: %s",, v.desc()))
127                         .collect(Collectors.joining(""))));
128         ARGUMENT_TYPES.put("StyleSheet", () -> format("Either an external xsl file or maybe one of the internal named sheets.  Internal sheets are: %s.",
130                         .map(v -> format("\t%s: %s", v.arg(), v.desc()))
131                         .collect(Collectors.joining(""))));
132     }
134     // RAT-85/RAT-203: Deprecated! added only for convenience and for backwards
135     // compatibility
136     /**
137      * Adds license headers to files missing headers.
138      */
139     // TODO rework when Commons-CLI version 1.7.1 or higher is available.
140     private static final DeprecatedAttributes ADD_ATTRIBUTES = DeprecatedAttributes.builder().setForRemoval(true).setSince("0.17")
141             .setDescription("Use '-A' or '--addLicense' instead.").get();
142     static final OptionGroup ADD = new OptionGroup()
143             .addOption(Option.builder("a").hasArg(false)
144                     .desc(format("[%s]", ADD_ATTRIBUTES))
145                     .deprecated(ADD_ATTRIBUTES)
146                     .build())
148             .addOption(new Option("A", "addLicense", false,
149                     "Add the default license header to any file with an unknown license that is not in the exclusion list. "
150                             + "By default new files will be created with the license header, "
151                             + "to force the modification of existing files use the --force option.")
152             );
154     /**
155      * Defines the output for the file.
156      *
157      * @since 0.16
158      */
159     static final Option OUT = Option.builder().option("o").longOpt("out").hasArg()
160             .desc("Define the output file where to write a report to (default is System.out).")
161             .converter(Converter.FILE).build();
163     // TODO rework when commons-cli 1.7.1 or higher is available.
164     static final DeprecatedAttributes DIR_ATTRIBUTES = DeprecatedAttributes.builder().setForRemoval(true).setSince("0.17")
165             .setDescription("Use '--'").get();
166     static final Option DIR = Option.builder().option("d").longOpt("dir").hasArg()
167             .desc(format("[%s] %s", DIR_ATTRIBUTES, "Used to indicate end of list when using --exclude.")).argName("DirOrArchive")
168             .deprecated(DIR_ATTRIBUTES).build();
170     /**
171      * Forces changes to be written to new files.
172      */
173     static final Option FORCE = new Option("f", "force", false,
174             format("Forces any changes in files to be written directly to the source files (i.e. new files are not created).  Only valid with --%s",
175                     ADD.getOptions().stream().filter(o -> !o.isDeprecated()).findAny().get().getLongOpt()));
176     /**
177      * Defines the copyright header to add to the file.
178      */
179     static final Option COPYRIGHT = Option.builder().option("c").longOpt("copyright").hasArg()
180             .desc(format("The copyright message to use in the license headers, usually in the form of \"Copyright 2008 Foo\".  Only valid with --%s",
181                     ADD.getOptions().stream().filter(o -> !o.isDeprecated()).findAny().get().getLongOpt()))
182             .build();
183     /**
184      * Name of File to exclude from report consideration.
185      */
186     static final Option EXCLUDE_CLI = Option.builder("e").longOpt("exclude").hasArgs().argName("Expression")
187             .desc("Excludes files matching wildcard <Expression>. May be followed by multiple arguments. "
188                     + "Note that '--' or a following option is required when using this parameter.")
189             .build();
190     /**
191      * Name of file that contains a list of files to exclude from report
192      * consideration.
193      */
194     static final Option EXCLUDE_FILE_CLI = Option.builder("E").longOpt("exclude-file")
195             .argName("FileOrURI")
196             .hasArg().desc("Excludes files matching regular expression in the input file.")
197             .build();
199     /**
200      * The stylesheet to use to style the XML output.
201      */
202     static final Option STYLESHEET_CLI = Option.builder("s").longOpt("stylesheet").hasArg().argName("StyleSheet")
203             .desc("XSLT stylesheet to use when creating the report.  Not compatible with -x. "
204                     + "Either an external xsl file may be specified or one of the internal named sheets: plain-rat (default), missing-headers, or unapproved-licenses")
205             .build();
206     /**
207      * Produce help
208      */
209     static final Option HELP = new Option("h", "help", false, "Print help for the RAT command line interface and exit.");
210     /**
211      * Flag to identify a file with license definitions.
212      *
213      * @since 0.16
214      */
215     static final Option LICENSES = Option.builder().longOpt("licenses").hasArgs().argName("FileOrURI")
216             .desc("File names or URLs for license definitions.  May be followed by multiple arguments. "
217                     + "Note that '--' or a following option is required when using this parameter.")
218             .build();
219     /**
220      * Do not use the default files.
221      * @since 0.16
222      */
223     static final Option NO_DEFAULTS = new Option(null, "no-default-licenses", false, "Ignore default configuration. By default all approved default licenses are used");
225     /**
226      * Scan hidden directories.
227      */
228     static final Option SCAN_HIDDEN_DIRECTORIES = new Option(null, "scan-hidden-directories", false, "Scan hidden directories");
230     /**
231      * List the licenses that were used for the run.
232      * @since 0.16
233      */
234     static final Option LIST_LICENSES = Option.builder().longOpt("list-licenses").hasArg().argName("LicenseFilter")
235             .desc("List the defined licenses (default is NONE). Valid options are: " + asString(LicenseFilter.values()))
236             .converter(s -> LicenseFilter.valueOf(s.toUpperCase()))
237             .build();
239     /**
240      * List the all families for the run.
241      * @since 0.16
242      */
243     static final Option LIST_FAMILIES = Option.builder().longOpt("list-families").hasArg().argName("LicenseFilter")
244             .desc("List the defined license families (default is NONE). Valid options are: " + asString(LicenseFilter.values()))
245             .converter(s -> LicenseFilter.valueOf(s.toUpperCase()))
246             .build();
248     /**
249      * Specify the log level for output
250      * @since 0.16
251      */
252     static final Option LOG_LEVEL = Option.builder().longOpt("log-level")
253             .hasArg().argName("LogLevel")
254             .desc("sets the log level.")
255             .converter(s -> Log.Level.valueOf(s.toUpperCase()))
256             .build();
258     /**
259      * Do not update files.
260      * @since 0.16
261      */
262     static final Option DRY_RUN = Option.builder().longOpt("dry-run")
263             .desc("If set do not update the files but generate the reports.")
264             .build();
265     /**
266      * Set unstyled XML output
267      */
268     static final Option XML = new Option("x", "xml", false, "Output the report in raw XML format.  Not compatible with -s");
270     /**
271      * Specify the processing of ARCHIVE files.
272      * @since 0.17
273      */
274     static final Option ARCHIVE = Option.builder().longOpt("archive").hasArg().argName("ProcessingType")
275             .desc(format("Specifies the level of detail in ARCHIVE file reporting. (default is %s)",
276                     ReportConfiguration.Processing.NOTIFICATION))
277             .converter(s -> ReportConfiguration.Processing.valueOf(s.toUpperCase()))
278             .build();
280     /**
281      * Specify the processing of STANDARD files.
282      */
283     static final Option STANDARD = Option.builder().longOpt("standard").hasArg().argName("ProcessingType")
284             .desc(format("Specifies the level of detail in STANDARD file reporting. (default is %s)",
285                     Defaults.STANDARD_PROCESSING))
286             .converter(s -> ReportConfiguration.Processing.valueOf(s.toUpperCase()))
287             .build();
289     private static String asString(final Object[] args) {
290         return", "));
291     }
293     /**
294      * Processes the command line and builds a configuration and executes the
295      * report.
296      *
297      * @param args the arguments.
298      * @throws Exception on error.
299      */
300     public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
301         DefaultLog.getInstance().info(new VersionInfo().toString());
302         ReportConfiguration configuration = parseCommands(args, Report::printUsage);
303         if (configuration != null) {
304             configuration.validate(DefaultLog.getInstance()::error);
305             new Reporter(configuration).output();
306         }
307     }
309     /**
310      * Parses the standard options to create a ReportConfiguration.
311      *
312      * @param args    the arguments to parse
313      * @param helpCmd the help command to run when necessary.
314      * @return a ReportConfiguration or null if Help was printed.
315      * @throws IOException on error.
316      */
317     public static ReportConfiguration parseCommands(final String[] args, final Consumer<Options> helpCmd) throws IOException {
318         return parseCommands(args, helpCmd, false);
319     }
321     /**
322      * Parses the standard options to create a ReportConfiguraton.
323      *
324      * @param args    the arguments to parse
325      * @param helpCmd the help command to run when necessary.
326      * @param noArgs  If true then the commands do not need extra arguments
327      * @return a ReportConfiguration or null if Help was printed.
328      * @throws IOException on error.
329      */
330     public static ReportConfiguration parseCommands(final String[] args, final Consumer<Options> helpCmd, final boolean noArgs) throws IOException {
331         Options opts = buildOptions();
332         CommandLine cl;
333         Log log = DefaultLog.getInstance();
334         try {
335             cl = DefaultParser.builder().setDeprecatedHandler(DeprecationReporter.getLogReporter(log)).build().parse(opts, args);
336         } catch (ParseException e) {
337             log.error(e.getMessage());
338             log.error("Please use the \"--help\" option to see a list of valid commands and options");
339             System.exit(1);
340             return null; // dummy return (won't be reached) to avoid Eclipse complaint about possible NPE
341             // for "cl"
342         }
344         if (cl.hasOption(LOG_LEVEL)) {
345             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, LOG_LEVEL);
346             if (log instanceof DefaultLog) {
347                 DefaultLog dLog = (DefaultLog) log;
348                 try {
349                     dLog.setLevel(cl.getParsedOptionValue(LOG_LEVEL));
350                 } catch (ParseException e) {
351                     logParseException(log, e, LOG_LEVEL, cl, dLog.getLevel());
352                 }
353             } else {
354                 log.error("log was not a DefaultLog instance.  LogLevel not set.");
355             }
356         }
357         if (cl.hasOption(HELP)) {
358             helpCmd.accept(opts);
359             return null;
360         }
362         String[] clArgs;
363         if (!noArgs) {
364             clArgs = cl.getArgs();
365             if (clArgs == null || clArgs.length != 1) {
366                 helpCmd.accept(opts);
367                 return null;
368             }
369         } else {
370             clArgs = new String[]{null};
371         }
372         return createConfiguration(log, clArgs[0], cl);
373     }
375     private static void logParseException(final Log log, final ParseException e, final Option opt, final CommandLine cl, final Object dflt) {
376         log.warn(format("Invalid %s specified: %s ", opt.getOpt(), cl.getOptionValue(opt)));
377         log.warn(format("%s set to: %s", opt.getOpt(), dflt));
378         log.debug(e);
379     }
381     static ReportConfiguration createConfiguration(final Log log, final String baseDirectory, final CommandLine cl) throws IOException {
382         final ReportConfiguration configuration = new ReportConfiguration(log);
384         if (cl.hasOption(DIR)) {
385             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, DIR);
386         }
388         if (cl.hasOption(DRY_RUN)) {
389             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, DRY_RUN);
390             configuration.setDryRun(cl.hasOption(DRY_RUN));
391         }
393         if (cl.hasOption(LIST_FAMILIES)) {
394             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, LIST_FAMILIES);
395             try {
396                 configuration.listFamilies(cl.getParsedOptionValue(LIST_FAMILIES));
397             } catch (ParseException e) {
398                 logParseException(log, e, LIST_FAMILIES, cl, Defaults.LIST_FAMILIES);
399             }
400         }
402         if (cl.hasOption(LIST_LICENSES)) {
403             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, LIST_LICENSES);
404             try {
405                 configuration.listLicenses(cl.getParsedOptionValue(LIST_LICENSES));
406             } catch (ParseException e) {
407                 logParseException(log, e, LIST_LICENSES, cl, Defaults.LIST_LICENSES);
408             }
409         }
411         if (cl.hasOption(ARCHIVE)) {
412             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, ARCHIVE);
413             try {
414                 configuration.setArchiveProcessing(cl.getParsedOptionValue(ARCHIVE));
415             } catch (ParseException e) {
416                 logParseException(log, e, ARCHIVE, cl, Defaults.ARCHIVE_PROCESSING);
417             }
418         }
420         if (cl.hasOption(STANDARD)) {
421             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, STANDARD);
422             try {
423                 configuration.setStandardProcessing(cl.getParsedOptionValue(STANDARD));
424             } catch (ParseException e) {
425                 logParseException(log, e, STANDARD, cl, Defaults.STANDARD_PROCESSING);
426             }
427         }
429         if (cl.hasOption(OUT)) {
430             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, OUT);
431             try {
432                 configuration.setOut((File) cl.getParsedOptionValue(OUT));
433             } catch (ParseException e) {
434                 logParseException(log, e, OUT, cl, "System.out");
435             }
436         }
438         if (cl.hasOption(SCAN_HIDDEN_DIRECTORIES)) {
439             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, SCAN_HIDDEN_DIRECTORIES);
440             configuration.setDirectoriesToIgnore(FalseFileFilter.FALSE);
441         }
443         if (ADD.getSelected() != null) {
444             // @TODO remove this block when Commons-cli version 1.7.1 or higher is used
445    -> o.getOpt().equals("a")).forEach(o -> cl.hasOption(o.getOpt()));
446             if (cl.hasOption(FORCE)) {
447                 DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, FORCE);
448             }
449             if (cl.hasOption(COPYRIGHT)) {
450                 DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, COPYRIGHT);
451             }
452             // remove that block ---^
453             configuration.setAddLicenseHeaders(cl.hasOption(FORCE) ? AddLicenseHeaders.FORCED : AddLicenseHeaders.TRUE);
454             configuration.setCopyrightMessage(cl.getOptionValue(COPYRIGHT));
455         }
457         if (cl.hasOption(EXCLUDE_CLI)) {
458             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, EXCLUDE_CLI);
459             String[] excludes = cl.getOptionValues(EXCLUDE_CLI);
460             if (excludes != null) {
461                 parseExclusions(log, Arrays.asList(excludes)).ifPresent(configuration::setFilesToIgnore);
462             }
463         } else if (cl.hasOption(EXCLUDE_FILE_CLI)) {
464             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, EXCLUDE_FILE_CLI);
465             String excludeFileName = cl.getOptionValue(EXCLUDE_FILE_CLI);
466             if (excludeFileName != null) {
467                 parseExclusions(log,FileUtils.readLines(new File(excludeFileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
468                         .ifPresent(configuration::setFilesToIgnore);
469             }
470         }
472         if (cl.hasOption(XML)) {
473             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, XML);
474             configuration.setStyleReport(false);
475         } else {
476             configuration.setStyleReport(true);
477             if (cl.hasOption(STYLESHEET_CLI)) {
478                 DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, STYLESHEET_CLI);
479                 String[] style = cl.getOptionValues(STYLESHEET_CLI);
480                 if (style.length != 1) {
481                     log.error("Please specify a single stylesheet");
482                     System.exit(1);
483                 }
485                 URL url = Report.class.getClassLoader().getResource(String.format("org/apache/rat/%s.xsl", style[0]));
486                 IOSupplier<InputStream> ioSupplier = url == null
487                         ? () -> Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(style[0]))
488                         : url::openStream;
489                 configuration.setStyleSheet(ioSupplier);
490             }
491         }
493         Defaults.Builder defaultBuilder = Defaults.builder();
494         if (cl.hasOption(NO_DEFAULTS)) {
495             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, NO_DEFAULTS);
496             defaultBuilder.noDefault();
497         }
498         if (cl.hasOption(LICENSES)) {
499             DeprecationReporter.logDeprecated(log, LICENSES);
500             for (String fn : cl.getOptionValues(LICENSES)) {
501                 defaultBuilder.add(fn);
502             }
503         }
504         Defaults defaults =;
505         configuration.setFrom(defaults);
506         if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(baseDirectory)) {
507             configuration.setReportable(getDirectory(baseDirectory, configuration));
508         }
509         return configuration;
510     }
512     /**
513      * Creates a filename filter from patterns to exclude.
514      *
515      * @param log the Logger to use.
516      * @param excludes the list of patterns to exclude.
517      * @return the FilenameFilter tht excludes the patterns or an empty optional.
518      */
519     static Optional<FilenameFilter> parseExclusions(final Log log, final List<String> excludes) {
520         final OrFileFilter orFilter = new OrFileFilter();
521         int ignoredLines = 0;
522         for (String exclude : excludes) {
524             // skip comments
525             if (exclude.startsWith("#") || StringUtils.isEmpty(exclude)) {
526                 ignoredLines++;
527                 continue;
528             }
530             String exclusion = exclude.trim();
531             // interpret given patterns as regular expression, direct file names or
532             // wildcards to give users more choices to configure exclusions
533             try {
534                 orFilter.addFileFilter(new RegexFileFilter(exclusion));
535             } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
536                 // report nothing, an acceptable outcome.
537             }
538             orFilter.addFileFilter(new NameFileFilter(exclusion));
539             if (exclude.contains("?") || exclude.contains("*")) {
540                 orFilter.addFileFilter(WildcardFileFilter.builder().setWildcards(exclusion).get());
541             }
542         }
543         if (ignoredLines > 0) {
544   "Ignored " + ignoredLines + " lines in your exclusion files as comments or empty lines.");
545         }
546         return orFilter.getFileFilters().isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(orFilter.negate());
547     }
549     static Options buildOptions() {
550         return new Options()
551                 .addOption(ARCHIVE)
552                 .addOption(STANDARD)
553                 .addOption(DRY_RUN)
554                 .addOption(LIST_FAMILIES)
555                 .addOption(LIST_LICENSES)
556                 .addOption(HELP)
557                 .addOption(OUT)
558                 .addOption(NO_DEFAULTS)
559                 .addOption(LICENSES)
560                 .addOption(SCAN_HIDDEN_DIRECTORIES)
561                 .addOptionGroup(ADD)
562                 .addOption(FORCE)
563                 .addOption(COPYRIGHT)
564                 .addOption(EXCLUDE_CLI)
565                 .addOption(EXCLUDE_FILE_CLI)
566                 .addOption(DIR)
567                 .addOption(LOG_LEVEL)
568                 .addOptionGroup(new OptionGroup()
569                         .addOption(XML).addOption(STYLESHEET_CLI));
570     }
572     private static void printUsage(final Options opts) {
573         printUsage(new PrintWriter(System.out), opts);
574     }
576     private static String createPadding(final int len) {
577         char[] padding = new char[len];
578         Arrays.fill(padding, ' ');
579         return new String(padding);
580     }
582     static String header(final String txt) {
583         return String.format("%n====== %s ======%n", WordUtils.capitalizeFully(txt));
584     }
586     static void printUsage(final PrintWriter writer, final Options opts) {
587         HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter.Builder().get();
588         helpFormatter.setWidth(HELP_WIDTH);
589         helpFormatter.setOptionComparator(new OptionComparator());
590         VersionInfo versionInfo = new VersionInfo();
591         String syntax = format("java -jar apache-rat/target/apache-rat-%s.jar [options] [DIR|ARCHIVE]", versionInfo.getVersion());
592         helpFormatter.printHelp(writer, helpFormatter.getWidth(), syntax, header("Available options"), opts,
593                 helpFormatter.getLeftPadding(), helpFormatter.getDescPadding(),
594                 header("Argument Types"), false);
596         String argumentPadding = createPadding(helpFormatter.getLeftPadding() + HELP_PADDING);
597         for (Map.Entry<String, Supplier<String>> argInfo : ARGUMENT_TYPES.entrySet()) {
598             writer.format("%n<%s>%n", argInfo.getKey());
599             helpFormatter.printWrapped(writer, helpFormatter.getWidth(), helpFormatter.getLeftPadding() + HELP_PADDING + HELP_PADDING,
600                     argumentPadding + argInfo.getValue().get());
601         }
602         writer.println(header("Notes"));
604         int idx = 1;
605         for (String note : NOTES) {
606             writer.format("%d. %s%n", idx++, note);
607         }
608         writer.flush();
609     }
611     private Report() {
612         // do not instantiate
613     }
615     /**
616      * Creates an IReportable object from the directory name and ReportConfiguration
617      * object.
618      *
619      * @param baseDirectory the directory that contains the files to report on.
620      * @param config        the ReportConfiguration.
621      * @return the IReportable instance containing the files.
622      */
623     private static IReportable getDirectory(final String baseDirectory, final ReportConfiguration config) {
624         File base = new File(baseDirectory);
626         if (!base.exists()) {
627             config.getLog().log(Level.ERROR, "Directory '" + baseDirectory + "' does not exist");
628             return null;
629         }
631         Document doc = new FileDocument(base);
632         if (base.isDirectory()) {
633             return new DirectoryWalker(config, doc);
634         }
636         return new ArchiveWalker(config, doc);
637     }
639     /**
640      * This class implements the {@code Comparator} interface for comparing Options.
641      */
642     public static class OptionComparator implements Comparator<Option>, Serializable {
643         /** The serial version UID.  */
644         private static final long serialVersionUID = 5305467873966684014L;
646         private String getKey(final Option opt) {
647             String key = opt.getOpt();
648             key = key == null ? opt.getLongOpt() : key;
649             return key;
650         }
652         /**
653          * Compares its two arguments for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a
654          * positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater
655          * than the second.
656          *
657          * @param opt1 The first Option to be compared.
658          * @param opt2 The second Option to be compared.
659          * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument
660          * is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
661          */
662         @Override
663         public int compare(final Option opt1, final Option opt2) {
664             return getKey(opt1).compareToIgnoreCase(getKey(opt2));
665         }
666     }
667 }