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Up: UI Implementation
Options | Generator | UI Specific

In this section we will explore how the Rat core module exposes the information necessary to build a UI specific Option implementation. We will be using the Maven tooling code in apache-rat-tools as the basis of the examples in this section. As always, the current code base is the source of truth.

Rat core uses the Apache Commons CLI library to process command line options. All the options are recorded in the org.apache.rat.commandline.Arg enumeration. Internally the Arg enumeration contains logical option groups that represent a single option. The use of option groups provides us a way to deprecate options and create replacements. Only one option in an option group may be used in a single Rat invocation.

Each UI will have a representation of the individual Options specified within the Arg enumeration. To simplify the code each UI implementation should have an implementation of the class. This class will map the information contained in the org.apache.commons.cli.Option into methods that make sense with respect to the UI being implemented.

As an example we will look at the


Name conversion

First to deal with the mapping from the kebab style to the camel case style, the MavenOption utilizes a static method in the MavenGenerator class to perform the conversion.

    static String createName(final Option option) {
        String name = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(option.getLongOpt(), option.getOpt());
        name = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(RENAME_MAP.get(name), name).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        return new CasedString(StringCase.KEBAB, name).toCase(StringCase.CAMEL);

This method ensures that long options are selected over short options and then allows those options to be mapped to a different name. The remapping is an historical case where there was a camel case option in the CLI that had to be converted to kebab case first. In addition, it may be that a future CLI option will generate a camel case name that conflicts with some other UI based method. The mapping allows that to be easily overcome. Finally, the createName method uses the org.apache.rat.utils.CasedString and org.apache.rat.utils.CasedString.StringCase classes to convert the kebab case into the camel case. This method will always yield a camel case that starts with a lower case letter.

Overridden methods

The AbstractOption has several methods that should be overridden.


The cleanup name method is called by the AbstractOption to convert the org.apache.commons.cli.Option name (kabob style) into the name expected in the configuration of the UI. In the Maven case it returns the camel case name inside of angle brackets so that it appears as an XML element name.


The default value method will return the default value specified in the org.apache.commons.cli.Option unless it is overridden.

Maven allows the definition of default values for its options. The class defines the default values for the CLI options that have default values in Maven. For example, the Maven environment expects the output of the tool to be written to a file and not displayed on standard out so this value is set as the default.

Generating the method signature

The MavenGenerator needs to generate method signatures based on the org.apache.commons.cli.Option state so the MavenOption provides the getMethodSignature method. This method checks the following conditions.

  1. Is the option deprecated? If so add the @Deprecated annotation.
  2. Does the option accept one or more arguments (i.e. is not a flag option)? If it does the argument should be a String otherwise it should be a boolean.
  3. Does the method accept multiple arguments? If so modify the name to indicate plural as per the Maven standard.
  4. Create the Maven @Property annotation with optional Maven command line property and defaults for the method.
  5. Write all the information into a string and prefix the method name with “set” as per the Maven standard.


The AntOption class is very similar to the MavenOption except that, as noted earlier, it creates XML Elements and Attributes depending on whether the option accepts more than one argument.

Up: UI Implementation
Options | Generator | UI Specific