The UI specific code
Up: UI Implementation
Options | Generator | UI Specific
In most cases the UI provides values for some of the CLI options, or have additional options that are not supported by CLI. In the case of Maven there is a “skip” option that causes the Maven plugin to not execute. This is not implemented in the CLI as it is assumed if you don't want to execute the CLI you won't call it.
The apache-rat-plugin
contains the code for the Maven UI extension. In this particular case there are three components that extend the generated abstract class.
- extends the generated class and add standard functionality.RatCheckMojo
- extendsAbstractRatMojo
and adds the functionality to execute the Rat coreReporter
- extendsAbstractRatMojo
and adds the functionality to provide reports into the Maven reporting system.
Added / Modified functionality
Most UIs have some process for logging. Rat defines a Log interface and uses the DefaultLog class to track the instance.
The AbstractRatMojo
class has a makeLog
method that wraps the Maven log to create an instance of the Rat Log interface. In the getConfiguration
method the DefaultLog default is set to return the wrapped Maven log.
Processing Arguments
the AbstractRatMojo.getConfiguration
performs some changes to the args defined in generated base class, generates the configuration and then calls:
ReportConfiguration config = OptionCollection.parseCommands(args().toArray(new String[0]),
o -> getLog().warn("Help option not supported"),
The above line creates the configuration from the args and if the user somehow manages to call help will log a warning that help is not supported.
After the ReportConfiguration
is created it is modified based on specific Maven command line options before it is returned to the calling method.
Executing the Rat scan****
The Maven code executes the Rat scan in the RatCheckMojo.execute()
method. This method processes the Maven “skip” option, checks is the output is overridden in the Args structure and if not sets the Maven default, retrieves the configuration and executes:
try {
this.reporter = new Reporter(config);
} catch (MojoFailureException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
The check()
method performs custom checks and logging for Maven specific issues.
Ant processing
The Ant processing is performed by the Report
class in the apache-rat-tasks
module. It follows the same basic processing path as the Maven processing except that it handle Ant specific requirements and options. The class has an execute()
method that looks very similar to the Maven version:
try {
Reporter r = new Reporter(validate(getConfiguration()));
r.output(StyleSheets.PLAIN.getStyleSheet(), () -> new ReportConfiguration.NoCloseOutputStream(System.out));
} catch (BuildException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception ioex) {
throw new BuildException(ioex);
Up: UI Implementation
Options | Generator | UI Specific